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Help Association IKS, who has lost its working space in the devastating earthquake

Just a week ago, a devastating 6,4 earthquake struck Croatia and left thousands of families homeless. We will rebuild what is materially lost, but Croatia will have a challenging time remaking the social structure, economy and emotional well being of the affected – especially for Petrinja, Sisak, Glina and nearby villages which were neglected by our government(s) for more than 25 years.

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Udruga IKS has been charging windmills and these “neglection” moments for a number of years as they vehemently worked with young people and eager volunteers in Petrinja. Forming of Volunteering centre, Erasmus+ or CROSS project to empower young people’s skills are stellar examples of how this good-hearted team continuously helped their region’s youth (I know this first-hand as Neuralab worked with IKS on the creation of Volonteri.Hr, a first web-based platform for young volunteers in Croatia).

And now they need your help. Petrinja’s infrastructure has been demolished together with offices and workshop centres of Udruga IKS and they will need financial support to rebuild and remodel. Your help will ensure that Udruga IKS continues their relentless pursuit of empowering youth to stay in Petrinja and bloom their surroundings. We’ll be donating financial help towards IKS and we’re asking you to do the same. Donate by visiting IKS donation page OR using the reference info below:

  • Privredna banka Zagreb
  • IBAN: HR0923400091110111232
  • Transaction description: Donation for citizens or Donation for IKS

Photo sources and more info:

Krešimir Končić
Krešimir Končić Owner at Neuralab

Ex QBASIC developer that ventured into a web world in 2007. Leading a team of like-minded Open Source aficionados that love design, code and a pinch of BBQ. Currently writing a book that explains why ‘coding is the easier part’ of our field.

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