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Industry secrets. Sans the fluff


Zero clicks - zero problem: Navigating the landscape of shifting web traffic

This article unpacks the forces behind the possible web traffic decline, including Google’s strategic pivot to retaining users within its ecosystem, the explosion of AI-generated answers, and the growing complexity of user intent. More importantly, we’ll explore how businesses can adapt to these changes without losing their competitive edge.

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The crypto bear market reigned supreme for two long years, so the current rallying for a bullish return is a predictable human endeavor. However, reducing technology to a mere price roller-coaster fuels superficial narratives that persistently distort the web3 industry - a trend that's been ongoing for 15 years.

The flood of GPT-4 gurus and the Microsoft vs Google race creates the impression of a fresh revolution, but artificial intelligence has been hiding the same skeletons in the closet for decades now. We are also seeing many good ideas and solutions, but the collection of shady characters is probably more present. The only question is - who will be louder?

Stepping back just a tad from an individual's perspective, you'll notice that your job and salary depend much more on the team's collective assets than on personal negotiation prowess. And those assets hinge on the cash flow, which can easily be snagged by the first stone of indifference towards written proposals, specifications, and contracts. Here's how we tackle this issue...