Neuralab is adored on Adorio!
Adorio (formerly “Na Poslu”) is a modern recruitment platform, putting anonymous employee reviews in the spotlight. Potential workers can search for free jobs, employers, salaries, a career guide, and career advice. All work benefits are displayed and direct contacts are available for you.
You can look up Neuralab on Adorio! Our average score is 4.98, one of the highest in the industry, with a 100% recommendation. Feel free to browse through the comments and read what’s it like to be part of the Neuralab family.
Some of the cons: flexibility of a small firm with big firm stability, working atmosphere, remote work, professional growth and improvement.

Selected quote:
Various projects, numerous opportunities to work with new technologies. The workplace requires constant learning and self-development, and the work environment encourages such a dynamic approach to one’s own development. In short: challenging, dynamic and very comfortable.
We have an ongoing open position for WordPress developer. Browse through needed skills and experience, and ping us if you feel you got what it takes 😉