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#NeuralabSpringTour continues! – LEAP SUMMIT 2017.

Our second #NeuralabSpringTour destination is Zagreb – LEAP SUMMIT 2017. This is not just an ordinary station on the tour, seeing that Neuralab is a proud ‘Technology partner’ of the summit. Also our CEO will take part in one of the panels on the main stage.

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After numerous successful conferences in major European capitals like Rome, Dublin, and Barcelona, LEAP SUMMIT is back in Zagreb! This year, from the 11th to the 13th of May, LEAP will host over 60 speakers involved in innovation, IT and modern technologies, digital industries, entrepreneurship and career development.

LEAP is intended for young entrepreneurs, professionals and those who are on the right track to becoming one. The event will take place on the premises of the Student’s Center – where all young professionals meet and where the gorgeous ‘French pavilion’ is situated.

We’ve taken the liberty to put Andrej Hanzir, LEAP summit founder, in front of our camera and talked about his views on the conference.

The program is divided into formal and non-formal. The orderly part includes talks, panel sessions, workshops and interactive discussions which will host some of the highly acclaimed experts, entrepreneurs and motivational speakers from more than 40 different countries. The combination of their longstanding experience and expertise in various fields and business industries has proven to be a winning combination for all the young professionals at the previous conference.

Non-formal part is conceived as a more leisurely way for participants to socialize and get to know each other. Organizers made sure that this was not the standard conference, by organizing side events like speed datings, open mic sessions, business cafe hours and international parties. There is also a rich networking program that allows you to meet people from all over the world and share ideas, experience and knowledge.

conference infographics

Our own Krešimir Končić will be a panelist on the Yellow stage at Saša Cvetojević’s panel named ‘’From Zero to Hero – The Road of Entrepreneurs’’. Like all other speakers at the conference, Krešimir will share personal experiences related to entrepreneurship and development of the international business. As an introduction to the conference, Krešimir will be a guest on the Live LEAP streaming a week before the (official) event.

And as a cherry on top, Neuralab, as a proud technology partner of the conference is giving away 2 tickets with full access to all the stages, events, talks workshops and much more 😉

Stay tuned for more info!

Petra Filip
Petra Filip Copywriter and Content Maker

Skilfull content creator always on the hunt for tech trends

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