Nominis podcast – episode 026 with Danijel Nesek BadBoy
For over 15 years under the BadBoy brand, Danijel has been teaching men all over the world how to be successful with women in all areas – from self-confidence, dating, seduction, getting into a relationship, maintaining a relationship, breaking up, proposing, achieving life goals…
In the new episode of Nominis podcast which we are producing in partnership with the Association of eCommerce Croatia, Danijel talks about the power of seduction and how you can win over any lady if you want to. He elaborates on the success of his 1 to 1 workshops with over 50K happy clients. BadBoy is also a marketing expert and he talks about the secrets in numbers.
You can check the video recording of Nominis 026 on the official YouTube channel of eCommerce Croatia.