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We visited Google Analytics Day

A day dedicated to data analysis, key performance indicators, conversions, CTR, CPA, and many other metrics fresh out of the digital oven.

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We attended several interesting lectures, some from our own team and some from foreign speakers while enjoying a delicious barbecue (courtesy of Google) on the sunny terrace at Jarun. To start with, Google experts shared their insights on theory and practice, followed by guest speakers from successful Slovenian and Italian digital agencies who guide other businesses on the right path using Analytics.

Each lecture was unique and focused on different issues. However, the main takeaway could be summed up as follows: “If Content is king, then Data is queen.” We are entering an era where fewer business decisions will be based on feelings and more on real, concrete, undeniable data. We are entering a “data-driven” marketing era.

Web analytics open the doors to incredible data tracking possibilities. Information about who visited your website, how many times, at what time of the day, which specific page they viewed, and how long they stayed (and this is just scratching the surface) is only a few clicks away. Literally. However, it’s not as simple as it may sound – you need to know what to click and how to interpret the data. Analytics is just a tool that isn’t worth much without people who can correctly analyze it and draw valuable conclusions from it. That’s where we come in. 😉

And to conclude the analytics day, in a typical “sooo Google” fashion, all participants received their own ruler at the exit. 🙂

Nela Fegic
Nela Fegic Copywriter

Maestro with words and modern lingo, she always knows what's the best keyword to propel the campaign.

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