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Industry secrets. Sans the fluff


Zero clicks - zero problem: Navigating the landscape of shifting web traffic

This article unpacks the forces behind the possible web traffic decline, including Google’s strategic pivot to retaining users within its ecosystem, the explosion of AI-generated answers, and the growing complexity of user intent. More importantly, we’ll explore how businesses can adapt to these changes without losing their competitive edge.

You are reading: google

Two years after Google officially announced new feature named ‘’Purchases on Google’’, it finally came through the back door. When the rumor came to light 2015. many agreed that it represented a full-scale attempt for Google to impose as a serious competition to e-Commerce platforms such as eBay, Alibaba, and Amazon. But what will be the impact on e-commerce, seeing that there are over one billion users using Google Chrome?

The sixth edition in 2nd season of Lens Curator brings you 4 new excerpts from the world of photography and videography. This month we take a look at new Canon c200, new format from Google called VR180, LED shootout, the death of Lexar cards and a cool Sundisc diffusor for field photography.

December edition of Lens Curator brings you 5 new excerpts from the world of photography and videography. Read about how to shoot music festivals, the ultimate GoPro killer, new features of Adobe Premiere 2017, PhotoScan by Google Photos and how to get people to join your live streams.

Neuralab je učestvovao na Božićnom druženju uz Google Analytics, održanom 3. prosinca 2014. u Hypo centru u Zagrebu. Imali smo priliku družiti se s kolegama iz drugih digitalnih agencija, međusobno razmijeniti iskustva te čuti dosta korisnih informacija o alatu Google Analytics i savjeta o njegovom pravilnom korištenju.

A few days ago, who else but Google, came to give a great push to this field of online help announcing the release of a new product called "Google Helpouts". This service allows users to get in touch with experts in order to help them out over a live video chat.

Have you seen what Google recently grew in the Petri dish, in honor of Julius? Doodles are fun, surprising, and often spontaneous changes to the Google logo. Behind them is …

Explore mind-bending ideas like rechargeable airplanes and energy-generating deserts in "7 Massive Ideas That Can Change the World." Experience chaos and panic with the introduction of Google glasses in "How it feels? - Google Glass." Witness the unprecedented collaboration of drugs and detergent in "Suds for Drugs" and dive into the peculiar worlds of the Dandy and Cowbird communities, where strangeness and storytelling intertwine in unexpected ways.