Pins, Tweets + Likes from the Neuralab Couch – week 12
Explore mind-bending ideas like rechargeable airplanes and energy-generating deserts in “7 Massive Ideas That Can Change the World.” Experience chaos and panic with the introduction of Google glasses in “How it feels? – Google Glass.” Witness the unprecedented collaboration of drugs and detergent in “Suds for Drugs” and dive into the peculiar worlds of the Dandy and Cowbird communities, where strangeness and storytelling intertwine in unexpected ways.
7 Massive Ideas That Can Change the World by Wired Stuff – What if airplanes become rechargeable, deserts become energy sources, wireless networks come in spray form, and instead of Google glasses, we have eye-embedded monitors? These seemingly crazy ideas may be closer than we think and less impossible than imagined. The future holds endless possibilities that challenge our current perceptions.
How it feels? – Google Glass – While we eagerly await the self-driving car from Google, we can try out the Google glasses… at Gethaldus, chaos and panic ensue.
Suds for Drugs by Ben Paynter – Drugs and detergent hand in hand? An unprecedented miracle.
Dandy – Who’s your Dandy? Community for mobile applications. This is getting stranger by the minute!
Cowbird – Who’s your cow? Oops… Who’s your bird? Sh*t… Is it a cow or a bird? Neither one. It’s a Storytelling Community. Completely unprecedented!