Designers and developers perform very different tasks when it comes to creating a product. What might seem completely normal and logical from the designer’s point of view might not necessarily mean the same from the developer’s side. This article will outline the key steps that make the handoff process from design to development smoother. It will also cover some common setbacks and their causes.
Industry secrets. Sans the fluff
The role of web builders, low-code, no-code and Gen AI tools in web development
Kind folks from Netokracija did an interview with me on the topic of current Gen AI craze, web builders and similar no-code tools. Here's the uncut version in English - more in a Q&A form
You are reading: apps
Explore mind-bending ideas like rechargeable airplanes and energy-generating deserts in "7 Massive Ideas That Can Change the World." Experience chaos and panic with the introduction of Google glasses in "How it feels? - Google Glass." Witness the unprecedented collaboration of drugs and detergent in "Suds for Drugs" and dive into the peculiar worlds of the Dandy and Cowbird communities, where strangeness and storytelling intertwine in unexpected ways.
Learn how to generate invoices directly from Google spreadsheets and be clever about style
Google je izbacio novu verziju svoje Google Docs za Android mobilne aplikacije uz pregršt novotarija. It is Le g33k time
Infografika o demografiji korisnika Google apps alata te načinima korištenja ove cloud office usluge
June 28 was a turbulent date for cloud office service providers...that is, for the two main players - Microsoft and Google. Indeed, that's when Microsoft finally publicly announced its office cloud package "365". You can find out more about the package on the official Wikipedia page or on Microsoft's if you like to see a bit of color on the site.
Prenosimo Vam interesantnu infografiku, djelo Chillinga, Chompa i 148Appsa. Dočarava se rast iOs aplikacija na appstore-u te njihova distribucija kroz vrijeme. Neki od protagonista su opće poznati no kao i uvijek iznenađenja dolaze iz skrivenih kuteva...
To keep our Google Apps clients informed about changes and updates related to Google Apps, we are introducing a new section in our blog labeled [Google Apps].
Razvoj iOs aplikacija je nezahvalan te dugotrajan postupak no ipak, postoje raznovrsni alati koji će Vam olakšati posao te dopustiti da uđete u svijet geolokacija, akcelerometra te super glossy ekrana. Ako razmišljate o vlastitoj web platformi i infrastrukturi, riječ "mobilno" danas svakako mora biti dio tog razmišljanja...