Plot twist: We have to stop treating SEO as an addition to our digital strategy but rather as the key ingredient of our business plan. But when did this shift happen and how to manage the seemingly endless process of radical updates Google is putting our SEO strategies down with?
Industry secrets. Sans the fluff

Zero clicks - zero problem: Navigating the landscape of shifting web traffic
This article unpacks the forces behind the possible web traffic decline, including Google’s strategic pivot to retaining users within its ecosystem, the explosion of AI-generated answers, and the growing complexity of user intent. More importantly, we’ll explore how businesses can adapt to these changes without losing their competitive edge.
You are reading: mobile
Two years after Google officially announced new feature named ‘’Purchases on Google’’, it finally came through the back door. When the rumor came to light 2015. many agreed that it represented a full-scale attempt for Google to impose as a serious competition to e-Commerce platforms such as eBay, Alibaba, and Amazon. But what will be the impact on e-commerce, seeing that there are over one billion users using Google Chrome?
Every digital marketer's wet dream just came true - Instagram has officially switched on its advertising API (application programming interface).
Article looks into Android market fragmentation, especially having Android Auto ecosystem in mind
We have returned from sunny Rovinj richer with valuable experience, having spent a great last summer weekend and gained one more cute chubby figurine.
Thanks to a group of developers who share an interest in using Google technologies, platforms, and tools, the Google Developer Group initiative has been launched in Zagreb. Ivan Gavran from …
U utorak (7.5.2013) smo imali zadovoljstvo biti gosti predavači na mjesečnom skupu knjižničara grada Zagreba.
Explore mind-bending ideas like rechargeable airplanes and energy-generating deserts in "7 Massive Ideas That Can Change the World." Experience chaos and panic with the introduction of Google glasses in "How it feels? - Google Glass." Witness the unprecedented collaboration of drugs and detergent in "Suds for Drugs" and dive into the peculiar worlds of the Dandy and Cowbird communities, where strangeness and storytelling intertwine in unexpected ways.
What are the new trends in online videography?
Another project successfully completed! This time it's a charming mobile application - Sunny side.
This time, we delved into the topic of advertising on small screens, specifically those that we always carry with us everywhere. Of course, we’re talking about mobile phones. Although they …
Google je izbacio novu verziju svoje Google Docs za Android mobilne aplikacije uz pregršt novotarija. It is Le g33k time