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[WebCamp REcap] Tech oriented conference for web developers & designers

I have to be honest – I didn’t expect much of WebCamp 2107 edition! It has nothing to do with the conference itself or the people behind it, or the speakers, or the venue… It has to do with our Neuralab Tour 2017, and the fact that it was our 8th major conference this year. We were live streaming most of them, we were guest lecturers and panelists on some of them, we were co-organizers on one of them… So we were not mere patrons and consumers, we got to feel the pulse behind each and every one of them. The old saying goes – too much of anything is good for nothing, so I didn’t expect to have a blast on WebCamp.

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But life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. And what I got was the best conference in 2017! A pedantic organization with excellent people behind the ropes, huge attendee turnaround, schedule abided to the minute, decent free food & drinks throughout the event, great on-location espresso (finally!), and most important – compelling and lively lectures! We didn’t do a live stream this time but instead, we recorded all the lectures on both tracks. So again, I think me and my colleague Paula are one of the few who saw each and every talk on both days of the conference.

My favorite was Goran Peuc and his talk ‘Software industry is making us stupid’. Excellent topic, very well presented, funny and witty. And in the end, it accomplished what every lecturer desires – it made me contemplate about it.

Paula noted Sonja Heinen as her favorite presenter. Her lecture was called ‘A geography of design’ through which she addressed the flexibility of User Interfaces and their cultural elements. Sonja’s lecture was very down to earth but at the same time analytic.

One of the two keynote speakers was Morten Rand-Hendriksen with his lecture ‘CSS Grid Changes Everything’. Through examples, code snippets, and practical demos he showed us how to use CSS Grid in a theme for modern responsive layouts, and how to handle older browsers without Grid support in a clean and straight-forward way. Ivan Brezak Brkan from Netokracija and our own Krešimir Končić grabbed mor10 after the lecture and chatted for half an hour in front of the camera to reveal some interesting facts about WordPress cosmos and the new Gutenberg interface.

Thank you WebCamp Zagreb for a great conference, and hopefully see you in 2018!

Bruno Zagorščak
Bruno Zagorščak Neuralab Co-founder and Chief Content Officer

A Boletus aficionado who loves to get lost in the woods. He's still holding dearly to his OG Canon 5DmII while claiming that the play button is the apex call-to-action button on the web.

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