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WordCamp Europe WCEU 2018 – Belgrade stop for #NeuralabTour2018

WCEU is a great learning opportunity. A massive amount of lectures, panels and workshops will get any WordPress enthusiast jump from excitement. This whole event will take place in the heart of Belgrade, from 14th to 16th of June.

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The full program of the conference is not published yet, but folks from WCEU made introduction to some of the speakers for WordCamp Europe 2018 (Belgrade edition) – John Maeda, Morten Rand-Hendriksen, Adam Silverstein, K Adam White, Joost De Valk and Alberto Medina are among the noted ones. Mix that with probably 3000 people from all over the world and you’ll see the true meaning of WordPress community. On a funnier note, definitely check an eating & drinking guide for Belgrade made by the Serbian WP community (read: experienced local eaters & drinkers). FYI, my personal choice is Ambar, a dining place & bar situated near the crossing of river Sava and Danube. There you can try all local meat and fish delicacies like BBQ, rolled pig, river crabs and whatnot, made with a modern twist.

Now that you’re hungry, let’s talk about workshops. I currently don’t know the full list of possible lectures, but i will conduct one workshop on the topic of project management. To be exact, we’ll be talking about a “LifeCycle of a WordPress project”. Length of the workshop is around 90 minutes and we’ll be covering tools and best practices on how to start, finish and maintain a full WP implementation for enterprise grade clients. I know this is a pretty subjective topic and we’ll use examples (best practices) from software development and bringing them into WP ecosystem. Interesting addition to workshop will be the analysis of modern tools like Trello for backlog grooming, JIRA for prioritization along with current communication tools like Slack groups and Google Hangouts. I covered this topics on WordCamp Split during 2016 so i’m eager to get your feedback on what changed in the industry during these two years.

You can grab a ticket at the #WCEU site and reserve your seat at this great annual event. Moreover, we’re always looking for team-members with vast interest in working with WordPress! Contact us and let’s talk!

Krešimir Končić
Krešimir Končić Owner at Neuralab

Ex QBASIC developer that ventured into a web world in 2007. Leading a team of like-minded Open Source aficionados that love design, code and a pinch of BBQ. Currently writing a book that explains why ‘coding is the easier part’ of our field.

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