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Planetary Editing

Analog vs. digital?

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Digital bliss

A while ago, there was a popular debate among photographers (and those aspiring to be) – analog vs. digital. As time goes by, there are fewer and fewer of these arguments because, let’s admit it, analog photography cannot compete with the digital delights of the new era. Except for that sense of nostalgia for the good old times. All those “old-timer” photographers and videographers constantly talk about how they used to socialize through their work. At certain stages of the photo or film development process, they could exchange ideas and opinions. And they add that nowadays, everyone stares at their own monitor, and the philosophy of “two heads are better than one” is lost. Quoting someone somewhere: “The best part was sorting the photos after shooting in the field, selecting the best ones, and exchanging ‘war’ stories with colleagues. That doesn’t exist anymore!” — FAIL! —

Industrial Color has released a new application called GLOBALedit on the market. Paired with Microsoft’s Surface touch computer, it creates a workstation that every creative agency on the planet drools over. Manipulating photos and videos, marking, creating layouts, and overall multimedia creativity with this “little machine” takes on a new dimension. Everyone in the office will want to play… I mean work on it. Hmm, isn’t it the same thing? 😉 Just imagine a production team using this.

It seems to me that the application mainly targets journalism and editorials as its main target audience, but who am I to judge? Heck, I want one in my workspace! I’ve always been excited about the “Minority Report” style of work.

Bruno Zagorščak
Bruno Zagorščak Neuralab Co-founder and Chief Content Officer

A Boletus aficionado who loves to get lost in the woods. He's still holding dearly to his OG Canon 5DmII while claiming that the play button is the apex call-to-action button on the web.

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