Open Application
Hello! We’re a team of designers, developers and content makers building web applications on top of WordPress & WooCommerce. Our production is focused on eCommerce projects where we create every interactivity from scratch. Freely send us your CV + motivation letter and we’ll see if there’s a job match any time soon.
Job details
Type of work
Full employment, indefinite time, full health and pension benefits
Expected working hours
35 hours weekly (7h per day)
Start of working day
Flexible from 7 AM to 12 AM
Vacation days
20 (you can freely use them right away)
Child care
You can have flexible hours with mentor if you need special child care
Paycheck during sick leave
Full (100%)
Compensation and annual bonus
Yearly bonuses based on your longevity in the team. Paycheck based on knowledge, teamwork and camaraderie
You can work remotely OR in the Zagreb office. We believe in quiet team-based offices so you will work in a cozy room alongside 2 to 4 people (your assigned team). Free car parking and bicycle space is included
Full mentorship with daily progress talks. Mentors have 10 years of web tech experience and can be your pals and saviors when issues arise. Team is constantly in touch with clients, receiving feedback and using it to improve production quality.
Technology opportunities & tools
Work based on Open source technologies like LEMP stack, WordPress, WooCommerce, REST APIs and JavaScript.
Local dev environment
Atom, VS Code, Gulp, Scotchbox VM, Bitbucket, Github, Copilot (if you need it), Figma for design hand-off, Adobe Creative Cloud, Google Apps, JIRA, Trello
Clustered Apache Debian servers or Nginx @ Google Cloud VMs, Git/BitBucket/GitHub, AWS Route 53, Kinsta or AWS CDN. Neuralab hosting is mostly based on Google Cloud platform with integrated AWS services like Lambda crons, Route53, SES, or S3. We sometimes deploy to WP VIP servers, but on rare occasions.
Learning opportunities
Possibility to work on internal experiments and Open source projects (PWA, WP REST API, WP plugins, 3rd party integrations etc.). Partnership with two education centers – HalPet and Ciceron where you can learn new skills or languages, all of which are compensated by Neuralab team.
Online learning
Full access to LinkedIn learning (Lynda), Treehouse and Neuralab internal library. The team has access to WordPress (Automattic) experts and their knowledge libraries as we’re the only WooCommerce platinum partner in the region.
Conference opportunities
Neuralab is a sponsor of most Croatian IT conferences and a regular visitor at international events like Smashing Conf in New York, WooConf or WordCamp Europe.
Job requirements
Skills & Knowledge
Ability to effectively express your ideas, refined listening skills for giving & receiving feedback, excellent English skills (written and spoken), high attention to detail. Positive care for the web industry.
Apply for this job!
If everything looks good on paper and screen, we will invite you to get to know us and to talk with the production team. Don’t worry, we only have a couple of tests up our sleeve.
To apply or not to apply?
Not sure whether to apply for a job or not? We hope these links might help you a bit with decision making!
- Read more about our topics and what we’ve been working on lately
- We wrote about how we work and all the sweet perks of being a team member. Check it out!
Still indecisive? Well, aren’t you a hard nut to crack?! Check out what our employees said on Adorio about working in Neuralab. All the comments are anonymous. That has to count for something, right? 🙂