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Digital 2019 Live Stream follow-up

DIGITAL 2019. The second edition of conference for next-gen interface designers and developers. And probably one of our favourite technical events. The reason for that is in the title itself – it’s for both designers and developers. Like its last year’s maiden voyage, the 2019 edition was divided to full-day workshops during Friday and the conference itself on Saturday.

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All photos taken by Ivan Brkić

Workshops were held by experts from CSS Wizardry, Lloyds Design, Prototyp, Bornfight, and AWS. Topics ranged from React native crash course through Laravel (PHP) framework, all the way to building modern Fullstack serverless apps with AWS Amplify. Labin public library was the venue and it was packed with designers and developers eager to spend 8 hours typing code, drawing shapes and learning new things. The day started with a massive frittata for attendees (don’t forget – we are in the heart of Istria, Croatia’s culinary hot spot) and ended with after workshop cooldown in Rock caffe Labin. Town’s library help with Wi-Fi and connectivity could be useful next year though.

Saturday was the main conference days. Our crew was on the scene from 7 AM to 7 PM. The live stream was executed with 3 cameras and direct presentation input. A big shout goes to the Vedras crew for their professional skills and human approach. The video feed was divided into live stream going on YouTube, and to the big LED screen in front of the hall for all those attendees who wanted to watch the conference under the clear sky.

As far as lectures go my personal favorite was the very last in the line-up: Antonio Perić-Mažar from Locastic. Excellent English pronunciation and a very interesting topic on agile methodologies in the software development process. He gave us many real-life examples from Locastic workflow and explained why the SCRUM method isn’t for everyone. Unlike other speakers, Antonio was bombarded with questions after his talk, which is a good indicator of how interesting and relevant he was on the stage. It’s good to hear that they are also venturing into Kanban process, a methodology that Neuralab team fully embraces .

For me, the second-best lecture was the opening talk: Merlin Rebrović from Google. He lived up to the hype with his talk – “The top work skills you need in the 21st century”. Merlin introduced foundational work skills that span across businesses, and also ways to identify and quickly learn core skills within an industry. He also recommended a couple of important books in this field, which will for sure complement your knowledge base.

Finish line was crossed with an open-panel discussion lead by energetic Ivan Brezak Brkan (Netokracija). The topic was labeled “How can a geek become a director or CTO” and we give accolades to Ana Pauzar (THT), who effortlessly explained leadership and management hurdles in a corporate climate (although usage of English words in Croatian speaking panel was over the roof, even for our industry standards :/)

In the end, we were satisfied with attained new knowledge, but also with the overall conference energy. Labin is full of, as Michael Stipe would say, Shiny Happy People. Towns mining and industry history surely has something to do with that. The nearby town of Rabac welcomed us with its pristine beaches and autumn sun for the end of 2019 summer season. Thanks Digital and see you next year!

Do you want to attend Digital 2020? What better way than as a part of Neuralab team! Apply for a WordPress developer position and let’s conference-hop together. Sretno! [pun intended]

Bruno Zagorščak
Bruno Zagorščak Neuralab Co-founder and Chief Content Officer

A Boletus aficionado who loves to get lost in the woods. He's still holding dearly to his OG Canon 5DmII while claiming that the play button is the apex call-to-action button on the web.

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