Tour de force

WooExpert Platinum WooCommerce partner - biggest elephant in the eCommerce room.
Mailchimp Partner Mailchimp partner - you know what’s the newest cutting edge customer experience solution? Great email subject!
Clutch logo Clutch - clients say we’re top dogs in eCommerce. Throw us that stick now.
WordPress Vip WordPress VIP - Enterprise hosting partner

Industry secrets. Sans the fluff


Zero clicks - zero problem: Navigating the landscape of shifting web traffic

This article unpacks the forces behind the possible web traffic decline, including Google’s strategic pivot to retaining users within its ecosystem, the explosion of AI-generated answers, and the growing complexity of user intent. More importantly, we’ll explore how businesses can adapt to these changes without losing their competitive edge.

You are reading: design

Information overload is a common thing in the modern world. Data is all around us. Computers, mobile phones and all the other electronic devices are constantly feeding us with facts. If we’re bad at filtering and even blocking information, infobesity can be a real thing. One of the solutions is a digital assistant to help us filter and organize all of the data, and that is the dashboard.

Designers and developers perform very different tasks when it comes to creating a product. What might seem completely normal and logical from the designer’s point of view might not necessarily mean the same from the developer’s side. This article will outline the key steps that make the handoff process from design to development smoother. It will also cover some common setbacks and their causes.

DIGITAL 2019. The second edition of conference for next-gen interface designers and developers. And probably one of our favourite technical events. The reason for that is in the title itself - it's for both designers and developers. Like its last year's maiden voyage, the 2019 edition was divided to full-day workshops during Friday and the conference itself on Saturday.

Does this new buzzword deserve a place with other, widely known ones? Does it make any sense? Actually, what is it, who is it for? What it has to do with web design? We were at #CXZG conference in Zagreb where there was a lot of talking about customer experience and all of these questions.