Tour de force

WooExpert Platinum WooCommerce partner - biggest elephant in the eCommerce room.
Mailchimp Partner Mailchimp partner - you know what’s the newest cutting edge customer experience solution? Great email subject!
Clutch logo Clutch - clients say we’re top dogs in eCommerce. Throw us that stick now.
WordPress Vip WordPress VIP - Enterprise hosting partner

Mentorships, design audits and equipment donations for the community (Neuralab joined forces with eCommerce Croatia Association)

eCommerce field has grown steadily in the last few years, only to see a massive adoption explosion when pandemic took the stage. (IBM analyzed that COVID-19 accelerated the shift to eCommerce by 5 years).

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Our team worked alongside similar NGOs, media outlets and agencies to bring online shopping to all turbulence-affected merchants. In essence, this was a continuation of previous efforts – WordCamps, Netokracija’s OMG Commerce, eCommerce cafe, WooConf and various meetups have all taken a part in educating the market, especially eComm founders. 

neuralab ecommerce cafe mentoring

I’m eager to write that Neuralab has become a supporting member of the eCommerce Croatia Association. With our ‘been there done that’ experience, we want you to tap into our team’s knowledge through unique mentorship and other benefits. I will list couple of the here:

Webinars – we plan to organize open webinars during autumn and winter of 2020 and the topics will be Accessibility audits, Customer eXperience, User eXperience, User Interaction design or technology problems with eCommerce projects. Detailed dates and agenda will be published soon.

Mentorship – Whether you are a seasoned business team or just venturing into online selling, we can help you in resolving your day to day operations or even strategy business concerns. Also, we’re able to provide you with massive eCommerce research reports and various case studies from our industry that could help in navigating decisions. Mentorships usually last for 2 x 2h with an option for additional meetings (read: coffee).

Accessibility and design audits  – we can take a look at your current project and propose design and accessibility (A11Y) changes. New EU accessibility rules are fairly strict and you would surely want to talk with our team of design experts before venturing into development or even new eComm projects. Design audits usually last for 2h and include a brainstorming session over Google meet and Figma virtual whiteboard.

Equipment donation – If you’re in need of various IT equipment, we can help your thriving operation by donating various hardware and unused working stations. Please see this blog post and list of available IT equipment.

wordcamp msu 2017 zagreb

Let us see your challenges from a different perspective, so we can identify where you are right now and offer advice on where you’re going. But remember – Don’t just take our guidance blindly! It’s important to bring questions and ideas to the table and start debating with your mentor. That’s when the real learning happens and we can help you scale your store to higher levels.

Contact us at to find out more.

Krešimir Končić
Krešimir Končić Owner at Neuralab

Ex QBASIC developer that ventured into a web world in 2007. Leading a team of like-minded Open Source aficionados that love design, code and a pinch of BBQ. Currently writing a book that explains why ‘coding is the easier part’ of our field.

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