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Nominis podcast – episode 018 with Claudio Kramarić

Claudio Kramarić is a former journalist, who is also the owner of the award-winning wow-junkie webshop, and an award-winning Algebra lecturer. Find out how he finds motivation for everything he does and what he does when he’s not doing anything.

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In the new episode of Nominis podcast which we are producing in partnership with the Association of eCommerce Croatia, Claudio shared with the Nominis crew how he defines the Wow Junkie effect- it`s the moment when you recognize the perfect product and you return to it again and again. Of course, behind the brand name, you’ll find great knowledge and experience – that is why his wife Barbara (co-owner as well) and Claudio can handle 40 brands with more than 4000 products. 

But Wow Junkie is not his only interest. Claudio`s other company consults small and large companies on digital advertising, website building, and social media appearances.

Besides managing his two businesses, Claudio is also a big part of Belle Epoque, a high-end retail store. He writes blogs as well. After a journalist career, he jumped into content marketing and his impression is – clients missed really good content. So he decided to make it. And still believes that marketing was easier a few years back.

You can check the video recording of Nominis 018 on the official YouTube channel of eCommerce Croatia.

Bruno Zagorščak
Bruno Zagorščak Neuralab Co-founder and Chief Content Officer

A Boletus aficionado who loves to get lost in the woods. He's still holding dearly to his OG Canon 5DmII while claiming that the play button is the apex call-to-action button on the web.

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