Nominis podcast – episode 014 with Vanda Christ
Vanda has been the head of digital marketing at Emmezeta for many years. Discover what it takes to operate one of the largest Croatian web shops.
In the new episode of Nominis podcast which we are producing in partnership with the Association of eCommerce Croatia, Vanda touched upon why she considers the Emmezeta call center crucial to the company’s success and the value it holds. Specifically, she believes using the telephone is still more important than any other form of communication. Also, she elaborated on how and why Emmezeta shop became one of the best 10 webshops in Croatia! In addition, the conversation focused on the way Vanda came to the position of digital marketing manager and how the webshop started. But also, what does it actually bring to the table – the number of Emmezeta sales it generates. For example, why does it pay off to order furniture online, how to deal with returns and dissatisfied customers, and is the delivery price actually such a big deal?
You can check the video recording of Nominis 014 on the official YouTube channel of eCommerce Croatia.