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[VIDEOs] Adriatic Innovation Island 2018 – Rovinj – a quick overview on panels and speakers

It’s hard to talk “digital” in a setting like this – deep blue sea, Istria delicacies and stunning views of Croatian seacoast…

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…nevertheless, a conference is a conference and you need to talk about “The Disruption” and GDPR topics sometimes, right (!) To be honest, I was worried when I hard that our panel had GDPR as a topic. These 4 letters are literally all over the place and more prominent than HDZ / SDP in Croatia – but we got along with it. The title of the panel was “The Continued Disruption of the Marketing Technology Landscape” and it featured Ivana Galić Baksa (NovaTV), Goran Deak (Top Digital Agency), Erik Meijer (Deutsche Telekom) and myself – we basically all agree that change is inevitable, technology IS changing the marketing landscape, but we differed on EU policy and regulations where Ivana and Erik were optimistic, while Goran and I were pessimistic, (and having in mind that USA has 4 big IT players, while EU has none due to its over-regulated business system).

Introduction to the whole conference was given by Scott Coleman, a COO from Top Digital Agency. He talked about multi-cultural aspect of our industry and how to successfully work on projects if you’re dealing with diverse and mixed teams. His advice goes into the territory of – don’t be a prick, bring knowledge to the table and don’t make an idiot out of yourself (easy on the paper, tougher in the real world)

Another interesting lecture was given by Ethan Pierse, who talked about blockchain tech, ICOs, and cryptocurrencies. He’s working on a framework/policy/proposal that calls all ICOs a TGE – a Token Generation Event, which sounded really interesting to me from the Scientific/Tech point of view, but I don’t think it will catch on with marketing folks who like synonym words for IPO (like ICO). Another topic he discussed is that ICO’s are raising too much money (and teams having too much cash on their hands can mess companies up). You should definitely watch Ethan on his future talks and I also placed a video here where he’s interviewed by Domagoj from TDA.

The whole event was beautifully organized by the team behind LEAP Summit, but don’t take my word for it. Watch it here in this clip called “The Aftermovie”

Video and Photo credits: Adriatic Innovation Island, TDA, ForgeBit.

Krešimir Končić
Krešimir Končić Owner at Neuralab

Ex QBASIC developer that ventured into a web world in 2007. Leading a team of like-minded Open Source aficionados that love design, code and a pinch of BBQ. Currently writing a book that explains why ‘coding is the easier part’ of our field.

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