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19th WordPress Meetup Zagreb

Two mixed lectures and guest appearances from Belgrade marked the nineteenth WordPress Zagreb meetup (first in 2018)!

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Igor Kovačić introductory talk has been touched by the continuous growth of the Croatian WordPress community. Currently, there are about 3,700 Facebook group members, and the Twitter followers number has climbed up to naughty 666 \ m /

Igor was later joined by Milan Ivanović (@lanche86) from the Belgrade WP community, who talked about the actualities of WordCamp Europe 2018 organization and how we’re reaching the deadline of the talks applications. You can track rest of the news around WordCamp Europe on an official Facebook event or native event website.

The first lecture [WATCH VIDEO] was purely in developers realm (PHP) and the theme was “Using namespaces in WordPress plugins”. Denis Žoljom from Infinum explained why PHP namespaces are good developers choice, and I’ll try to recreate the benefits here:

  • Code architecture is more readable (readability / browsability)
  • It is easier to find a certain part of the application’s code (findability)
  • Class conflicts with other parts of the application (modules, plugins) are avoided
  • You have the ability to use an alias with a long name class
  • Performance is slightly better when using namespaces (measured in milliseconds though :))

The second lecture [WATCH VIDEO] was business related and the guys from Porilook explained how they use WordPress in their day-to-day digital agency efforts. Their co-founder Ivan Tokić, elaborated that they are focused in providing small targeted applications for massive online publishers (like Styria’s 24 hours) and that their completion timespan is measured in couple of days (or two weeks max). That’s really impressive and WordPress helps them in these efforts. They could probably pull off same functionalities using plain HTML/CSS/PHP (and that WP is an overkill), but we will leave this discussion for some later meetup. Guys promised they will bring more case studies to the table 🙂

Meetup was visited by about forty people and Carnet once again provided a quality space + inevitable live stream experience. Thank you!

P.s. if you enjoyed this reading, hop on to our job ad for PHP developers! We are currently looking for long term teammates that live and breathe WordPress (like most of the Neuralab folks)

Krešimir Končić
Krešimir Končić Owner at Neuralab

Ex QBASIC developer that ventured into a web world in 2007. Leading a team of like-minded Open Source aficionados that love design, code and a pinch of BBQ. Currently writing a book that explains why ‘coding is the easier part’ of our field.

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