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Do The Woo podcast – the art of handling enterprise WordPress / WooCommerce projects

I’ve had the opportunity to talk about Neuralab’s philosophy of handling complex projects and enterprise clients with the Do The Woo podcast crew.

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Initially, I was greeted by Bob Dunn, Jay Walsh (Automattic) and Robbie Adair (OSTraining) who were prepared with some thought provoking questions. In short, this is a completely new podcast series by Do The Woo crew where they mostly feature Woo Experts and agency owners.

We mostly talked about Neuralab’s niche (enterprise web projects) and here are some of the show highlights:

  • Complex projects require complex team settings and over-communication – be sure to educate the clients about everything right from the start of the project aka “everything is a learning opportunity”
  • Check your wording and communications patterns as to not confuse clients and stakeholders – for instance, we spoke about the difference between “websites” and “web applications” and how wording impacts project scope
  • DevOps and server choice is a big question for all enterprise clients as large orgs tend to have under-utilized (already bought) server resources. You should tackle this “bare-metal” topic early on in the project.
  • We also talked about pros/cons of various hosting providers – WP VIP, Pantheon, Liquid, WP Engine and of course – Kinsta
  • But I don’t want to text-bore you to the latest details 🙂 Here’s the full show …
Krešimir Končić
Krešimir Končić Owner at Neuralab

Ex QBASIC developer that ventured into a web world in 2007. Leading a team of like-minded Open Source aficionados that love design, code and a pinch of BBQ. Currently writing a book that explains why ‘coding is the easier part’ of our field.

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