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OMGCommerce 2016 – resolve your store-owner challenges – join us at eCommerce café

“I was thinking to make the ‘cookie shop’ with just 2 products and for everyone to have 2 different designs (one good / one bad) … then we can analyze the most clicked product and the most working design!”

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This was the idea from Emanuele, Neuralab’s chief designer while we were planning an appearance for #OMGCommerce2015, the biggest eCommerce conference held in Zagreb.

A year has passed since that talk and i can tell you two things:. First, “tortica” won over “bananko” in this eCommerce design battle and second, time really does fly as we are now exactly in the same organizational position as before… eagerly awaiting #OMGCommerce2016 and a whole new set of talks, presentations, workshops and lectures from the digital professionals all around Europe. Anyways, you can find out about the program at Netokracija’s official site.

Of course, we have a couple of extra cards up our sleeve. Long awaited eCommerce Cafe will be even more packed due to the increased number of consulting partners and available time slots. Prepare to bring your “store owner” issues to our table and we will be happy to resolve them, even if the questions are not related to design, content or development.

You can apply for the consultation on this form and select your favorite time for chating with us.

Expect tons of advice, brainstorming and sketches about your eCommerce site. Note that the eCommerce cafe will be held on the first day of OMGCommerce, the 1st of June, on Zagreb’s main fair complex (Velesajam, Novi Zagreb). P.s. We have prepared some tips’n’tricks just for your preparation…

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If, in some cases, you miss the plane to Zagreb or simply want to enjoy different settings, we will prepare a Full HD Live Stream for all lectures and talks during this first day. The live stream will be free to watch for all users through our YouTube channel and a detailed schedule will be published in the coming days. Watch out for this blog post or Twitter feed for #OmgCommerce2016.

You can apply for the consultation on this form and select your favorite time for chatting with us.

Krešimir Končić
Krešimir Končić Owner at Neuralab

Ex QBASIC developer that ventured into a web world in 2007. Leading a team of like-minded Open Source aficionados that love design, code and a pinch of BBQ. Currently writing a book that explains why ‘coding is the easier part’ of our field.

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