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Quick hint: Connect your eCommerce store with MailChimp newsletters

It was just a matter of time. 2016. seems like a year of rebirth for email marketing and guess what, MailChimp is not losing its ground. New features await eager marketers especially if you have a large product catalog and can connect various segmentation of your users to specially crafted email campaigns

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1. Item suggestion start – MailChimp will analyze the purchase history of each customer to make smart, data-driven predictions about what users will want to buy in the future. MailChimp says it’s “enterprise-level technology made simple for everyone. Just drag and drop.”

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2. If you currently have API 3.0 e-commerce enabled for your MailChimp account, this is what you will see within the campaign creator user interface. Note that WooCommerce integration is on the way:

mailchimp gallery

3. Once the Product Recommendation content area has been dragged & dropped into the campaign content, you can then choose the number of product recommendations to display to the recipient. MailChimp also added tools that prevent the same product from being recommended multiple times in the same email campaign.

4. Last step – MailChimp will analyze the purchase history of your customers and automatically generate personalized product recommendations for each individual email subscriber. If no recommendations are available, MailChimp will display the top-selling items for your eCommerce store. In the event that the store has no top-selling items, the portion of the email dedicated to recommendations will be blank. But, that wouldn’t happen to you, right 🙂

Krešimir Končić
Krešimir Končić Owner at Neuralab

Ex QBASIC developer that ventured into a web world in 2007. Leading a team of like-minded Open Source aficionados that love design, code and a pinch of BBQ. Currently writing a book that explains why ‘coding is the easier part’ of our field.

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