This WordPress summary is intended for executives and editors working in marketing, sales or editorial departments. It’s especially geared toward decision-makers evaluating various Content Management Systems (CMS), and looking into a new web platform to support their business needs.
Industry secrets. Sans the fluff

Zero clicks - zero problem: Navigating the landscape of shifting web traffic
This article unpacks the forces behind the possible web traffic decline, including Google’s strategic pivot to retaining users within its ecosystem, the explosion of AI-generated answers, and the growing complexity of user intent. More importantly, we’ll explore how businesses can adapt to these changes without losing their competitive edge.
You are reading: DotNetNuke
Wordpress nam već par godina vjerno služi kao digitalni Sancho Panza, a tijekom tog perioda smo se susreli s podosta upita, mišljenja i dezinformacija oko ovoga najpopularnijeg web sustava za uređivanje sadržaja.