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WooCommerce Email Templates Preview – a WordPress plugin

You’ve probably seen it before… Team of developers working on WooCommerce implementation, crunching late-night hours with thousands of lines of code (and complicated talks with designers). They think about all of the complex payment systems and 3rd party integrations, only to forget about one simple little detail – EMAILS.

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Yes, emails are easily overlooked, but very important part of your eCommerce system. Think about it. They are the first vessel of communication that your users receive when an order is in place. They are on the front lines of attack when you issue refunds or send away shipping confirmations. Yet, there was no easy way to test the whole scope of emails that are being sent by the WooCommerce system.

To help our coding friends in need, we developed a helper plugin to test all of the possible emails that are being sent by the WooCommerce platform. You can see the emails in two main ways:

  • By previewing them directly in the browser (for fest viewing)
  • By sending them to your inbox (now, this is some real testing!)
Woocommerce eMail plugIn 1024x498 1

If you’re wondering what data is populated into these emails for the test, be at rest, you can choose what orders will be used for testing purposes and in that way, inspect if big orders have a problem with email templates.

The plugin is currently in the beta phase so please download it, try it out and send us your feedback! We will gladly take all comments into account and further bolster the Woo ecosystem.

Happy Coding!
Krešimir Končić
Krešimir Končić Owner at Neuralab

Ex QBASIC developer that ventured into a web world in 2007. Leading a team of like-minded Open Source aficionados that love design, code and a pinch of BBQ. Currently writing a book that explains why ‘coding is the easier part’ of our field.

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