Tour de force

WooExpert Platinum WooCommerce partner - biggest elephant in the eCommerce room.
Mailchimp Partner Mailchimp partner - you know what’s the newest cutting edge customer experience solution? Great email subject!
Clutch logo Clutch - clients say we’re top dogs in eCommerce. Throw us that stick now.
WordPress Vip WordPress VIP - Enterprise hosting partner

Neuralab powered events

It’s a myth that Santa and his crew travel only on Christmas night. If you ask them nicely for support at your conference, they will surely come. Heck, this year they even went on a tour! Since the elves are sort of tech freaks and social events butterflies, the reindeer have a lot of mileage under their hoofs.

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Santa sleigh


Once again, we teamed up with our friends and colleagues from Netokracija to bring you to live and exclusive coverage of Croatia’s biggest tech conference- WinDays! Throughout 4 days of the conference, we’ve done over 20 backstage interviews with prominent lecturers and influencers from of the world of the technology business.

The conference itself was divided into 2 days and 2 themes. WinDays16 Business conference was evaluating possibilities of economic growth from the positive aspect and addressed to creation of the conditions for the development and attraction of talent. Participants of WinDays16 Technology heard the news from the IT world and got introduced to technological tools and solutions that can improve business, as well as the organization of personal life.

The lectures were relevant and interesting, and the people all around were happy and seemed to have a good time. In these conditions, we enjoyed doing our thing and are happy to bring some additional and limited content to the viewers.


The 4th edition of Neokracija’s OMGcommerce is behind us. This year Neuralab was a co-organizer with live stream production and e-commerce coffee. This major event about digital economics took place over three days at Zagrebački Velesajam and HUB385.

Omg commerce

We witnessed lots of educational talks, lectures, and network possibilities. OMGcommerce once again proved its role as the biggest conference about digital economics, trade, and tourism in SouthEast Europe. It was our pleasure to be part of this story and in the company of major players in this field. What were the keywords which were most used during lectures? Experimentation, measurement, disruption, logistics, delivery, loyalty, innovation, user experience, online/offline merge.

You could even listen to topics on how to properly structure your offline shop (using online knowledge) and how to digitally measure visitors in your store (while using this data to give better product recommendations). Seems to us that all eCommerce conferences have some kind of “robots-thing” about them. Interesting times are ahead! After the first day and main event, all were moved to HUB385 where expert business education took place. The third and the last day was reserved for the closed E-commerce Executive Forum.


In case you did not know, our Santa was a lecturer on WorldCamp conference in Split. This conference was placed at the Faculty of Economics. What were the topics?

Omg Split

The workshop was organized to cover three main phases of every WordPress project: Planning and preparation + WordPress project execution + after-launch support phase. Each topic was segmented to host an intro, Q&A, and interaction with modern tools of the trade.

While WordPress makes publishing easy, it’s the other way around when you need to carefully plan your next WP project. As with any software building process, we will look into various topics that can influence our project’s success or failure: design, clients, budgets, timetables, pesky bugs, user feedback etc.

Software development projects are a complex nut to crack and WordPress is not an exception. This workshop looked at the typical traps of most WordPress projects and how to avoid them. First, the planning and preparation phase where various project roles and types of business requirements to kick off a project into execution were defined. The execution topic covered team handling and an overview of modern tools to help you out in project production. The last topic was oriented towards launching your project into the world and managing first feedback, support tickets and how to integrate them into the evolution of the WordPress app.

LADIES OF THE BUSINESS – November 22nd, 2016.

Where are women nowadays in the ICT industry and what is their status compared with men? The answers to these questions gave inspirational women lecturers who shared their own examples and stories. Although many women hold key positions in the ICT companies, they are making only 1/4 of the workforce, and are paid 30% less than their male counterparts.

The main message of this year’s conference in Zagreb was – Stand up for yourself!
Neuralab was once more a production partner for the conference. Our video production is Transmeet.Tv did a live stream of the event for your viewing pleasure. Since all the tickets for HUB385 have been sold out, this was the only way to check out what all these inspirational and motivational women have to say.


There are a million ways to die like a hero in the West, one of them is Blind Hackathon – the blind code-writing competition. No browser, no processor, no terminal, no gulps, no grunts – only you, text editor and good old HTML, CSS, and JavaScript! The competition is designed to test your coding skills and it is an opportunity to show the world how awesome a coding ninja you are.

blind hackathon

The rules are simple:

  • 8 hours of coding
  • 1 person
  • 1 subject
  • Live Arch Linux USB with a preinstalled text editor, html5 boilerplate, CSS reset & jquery- stripped off of all unnecessary things, like browser and internet connection 🙂
  • Two previews during the hackathon to see how the code looks in the browser
  • 1 winner

The competition was fierce and nuances decided the winner.

Petra Filip
Petra Filip Copywriter and Content Maker

Skilfull content creator always on the hunt for tech trends

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