Ponovo se aktualizirao VIDI WEB Top 100 natječaj, događaj koji je objektivno najznačajniji takve vrste u regiji.
Industry secrets. Sans the fluff

Zero clicks - zero problem: Navigating the landscape of shifting web traffic
This article unpacks the forces behind the possible web traffic decline, including Google’s strategic pivot to retaining users within its ecosystem, the explosion of AI-generated answers, and the growing complexity of user intent. More importantly, we’ll explore how businesses can adapt to these changes without losing their competitive edge.
You are reading: community
Terraneo izdao prvo online DVD izdanje u produkciji Transmeet TV-a / Neuralaba
Ovoga tjedna nam predstoje dva cool Live streaminga: Web strategija 14 (iz Zagrebačkog Hypo centra) + Meet the Geek u organizaciji sveprisutne Algebre.
Pročitajte naš intervju na Boodla.Com newszine-u. Lagano štivo, a popratite i ostale evente kad ste već tamo ...
Gledajte nas na Share konferenciji u Beogradu od 26 do 28 travnja. File under: design, music, art, social media, blogging...
Sprema se Live streaming Web Strategije 13 po nazivu ... Kupac Zvan Čežnja...pogledajte nas 8 ožujka od 8 h ujutro
All those who found out too late about Share Conference last spring and only realized what kind of 'bomb' it was through post-reactions, have come into their own today! On the first day of February, Share announced the first speakers of the second edition of the conference. A conference that has shown in its launch how it is the center of exchange of advanced ideas and knowledge in the field of technology, the internet, music, new media, and society as a whole. There are already interesting names in the first wave of the program announcement.
Prva Startup srijeda u 2012 će se održati u Hrvatskoj gospodarskoj komori 1. veljače od 17 do 18:30 h
Teme su naravno bile web, dizajn, programiranje, ali i neki poslovni izazovi.
This year, we decided to impart some personal values that we continuously integrate into our company, business, relationships with clients, and partners. The lecture was much better, and so were the reactions of the students. After meeting and socializing with students full of enthusiasm, our batteries were recharged, and we believe even more that the struggle with Croatian entrepreneurial windmills has a greater purpose (beyond generating profits).
Ovaj petak (16.9.2011) se održava jedanaesta po redu PechaKucha Zagreb te nam donosi svježi val dizajnera, urbanista, modnih geeketa te inih isto-hipsto-mišljenika. Transmeet.Tv Live će prenositi cijeli događaj pa nema razloga da se ljestvice kulturne uzdignosti ne naslone na Vaš novi LCD monitor.
Poslovni centar Almeria je bilo idealno okruženje za ovosrijednu #StartupSrijedu. U ovom objektivno velikom zdanju svoje su prezentacije odradili dva fonda rizičnog kapitala - RSG Capital i BoundBreaker, dok su uvod, diskusiju i druženje simultano moderirale ekipe iz HGK i Crane mreže poslovnih anđela.