Article looks into Android market fragmentation, especially having Android Auto ecosystem in mind
Industry secrets. Sans the fluff
The role of web builders, low-code, no-code and Gen AI tools in web development
Kind folks from Netokracija did an interview with me on the topic of current Gen AI craze, web builders and similar no-code tools. Here's the uncut version in English - more in a Q&A form
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Neuralab je učestvovao na Božićnom druženju uz Google Analytics, održanom 3. prosinca 2014. u Hypo centru u Zagrebu. Imali smo priliku družiti se s kolegama iz drugih digitalnih agencija, međusobno razmijeniti iskustva te čuti dosta korisnih informacija o alatu Google Analytics i savjeta o njegovom pravilnom korištenju.
The whole process is a race to synchronize everything and to make it work perfectly with each other. Like synchronizing serial bus ports with Baud rates or like counting overheating on your voltage regulation transistor. The trickiest part has to do with linux and networking. You may end up spending hours troubleshooting file permissions and asking yourself what is wrong with your port forwarding. Remember to take that in consideration when planing the project.
WordPress is without a doubt one of the most popular Content Management Systems at this time, full of capabilities ready to exploit.
Probably you have already heard about the term cloud hosting, but I doubt how many of you have understood the meaning of the term. Don’t worry because this is something you realize its benefits only when you deeply step on it.
Sve je počelo je s jednom običnom pozivnicom. Super stvar koristim. Znaš kako fora!? Moraš probat’! Evo šaljem ti invite! (Hvala Vanja! ;)) Inbox -> accept -> sign up with facebook -> start pinning.
When was the last time you started planning a trip? Most likely, your first stop, like 96% of other travelers, was the internet. That's exactly why travel agencies, accommodation providers, hoteliers, and other tourism professionals should pay more attention to their online presence.
Are you ready to implement content strategy in practice?
Wordpress nam već par godina vjerno služi kao digitalni Sancho Panza, a tijekom tog perioda smo se susreli s podosta upita, mišljenja i dezinformacija oko ovoga najpopularnijeg web sustava za uređivanje sadržaja.
Have you seen what Google recently grew in the Petri dish, in honor of Julius? Doodles are fun, surprising, and often spontaneous changes to the Google logo. Behind them is …
Sjećate li se filma 'Gospodar rata' s Nicolasom Cageom u naslovnoj ulozi? Pitko ostvarenje kojem se uvijek rado vraćam. Ponajviše zbog fantastične uvodne špice koja je i nakon 8 godina još uvijek svježa i originalna. O čemu se radi? O tadašnjem najvećem svjetskom trgovcu oružjem. Zašto je to bitno za ovaj tekst?
Prijavljujemo se za poticaje. Ove godine ja hendlam prikupljanje dokumentacije i birokraciju. I moram priznati da mi je to jedan od najtežih taskova u zadnje vrijeme. Nisam rođen da budem …