Johannes Gutenberg, the man who made the printing revolution more than 500 years ago, has risen and became famous once again. Well, not exactly flesh and blood Johannes, but rather a new WordPress editor which caries the name of Gutenberg. Currently in beta phase, soon it will be announced as the official release and pushed into widespread use.
Industry secrets. Sans the fluff
The role of web builders, low-code, no-code and Gen AI tools in web development
Kind folks from Netokracija did an interview with me on the topic of current Gen AI craze, web builders and similar no-code tools. Here's the uncut version in English - more in a Q&A form
You are reading: cms
This WordPress summary is intended for executives and editors working in marketing, sales or editorial departments. It’s especially geared toward decision-makers evaluating various Content Management Systems (CMS), and looking into a new web platform to support their business needs.
WooExperts are hand selected high quality experts that understand WooCommerce products. After exchanged documents and portfolio showcases with the WooThemes people, we got the approval that we are eligible for the certificate! We became a WooExpert team! You can relax by our side as we are full-service team of creative people, managing all aspects of online eCommerce projects. Even the ones you’re not aware off.
Wordpress nam već par godina vjerno služi kao digitalni Sancho Panza, a tijekom tog perioda smo se susreli s podosta upita, mišljenja i dezinformacija oko ovoga najpopularnijeg web sustava za uređivanje sadržaja.