Is YouTube getting a visual update?
Industry secrets. Sans the fluff
The role of web builders, low-code, no-code and Gen AI tools in web development
Kind folks from Netokracija did an interview with me on the topic of current Gen AI craze, web builders and similar no-code tools. Here's the uncut version in English - more in a Q&A form
You are reading: Content Production
The scope of work forced us to publish a job advertisement in search of a junior copywriter. In other words, a young, creative person who knows how to write. We first posted the ad on social media at the end of June.
We present to you the weekly overview of Neuralab readings. The most captivating content found on the web and other domains, gathered on a general weekly basis. File under: Videos, Photos, Texts, and Shorts...
Read what we read, like what we liked... last week :)
Terraneo online DVD produkcija te neke vezane novosti
I can freely say that I'm a Seinfeld fanatic! You know, downloading scripts to catch a punchline, watching bloopers from all 9 seasons, rewatching episodes on TV countless times, getting upset if I miss any of those reruns, using Seinfeld phrases in everyday life...
Analog vs. digital?
All those who found out too late about Share Conference last spring and only realized what kind of 'bomb' it was through post-reactions, have come into their own today! On the first day of February, Share announced the first speakers of the second edition of the conference. A conference that has shown in its launch how it is the center of exchange of advanced ideas and knowledge in the field of technology, the internet, music, new media, and society as a whole. There are already interesting names in the first wave of the program announcement.
Teme su naravno bile web, dizajn, programiranje, ali i neki poslovni izazovi.
Rat između Apple-a i Adobe-a oko dostupnosti flasha na iOs platformi ima svoju podužu genezu, a sve je počelo s mogučnošću flasha da generira nativne iOs igre i aplikacije.
Žuto-crveni rujan mjesec je novih projekata, dogovora, pregovora, ugovora...novih izazova te podsjećanja na nedovršene :) Kako ne bi išli kratkoročno-lakšim putem autsorsanja svega i svačega vrijeme je da primite kist u ruke, otpijete gutljaj "Jave" te otvorite staro zaboravljeni <a href="">moleskine</a>, a to su samo neke od točaka ove odlične animirane infografike! Bottoms up...
...Bez enkodera i dobre veze se ne može, a bez Live streaming servera (LSS) se može...Sada ćemo se upoznati sa konceptom video streaming platforme - cloud usluge koja Vam omogućava da nesmetano koristite usluge grupiranih live streaming servera, kada to želite i koliko to želite...