Hello, potential client… and basically everyone else interested in proper project communication! Agencies are often approached by clients who have great business ideas but lack familiarity with how the process of building a complex web application actually works.
Industry secrets. Sans the fluff

Zero clicks - zero problem: Navigating the landscape of shifting web traffic
This article unpacks the forces behind the possible web traffic decline, including Google’s strategic pivot to retaining users within its ecosystem, the explosion of AI-generated answers, and the growing complexity of user intent. More importantly, we’ll explore how businesses can adapt to these changes without losing their competitive edge.
You are reading: neuralab
In order to become a member of the Creative Ops Elf Team, one should have a unique set of skills and, of course, qualify on the dreaded 'double N' list. Neuralab Elves happen to excel in design, development and content.
Neuralab has joined an exclusive club - Silver WooExperts! Only 17 business worldwide are pride owners of the silver badge. And it’s not for your average Joe. You have to be an ESSE. No, not the gangbanger! You need to have Experience, Savvy, Skill, and Expertise. ESSE.
Remember those days before all the compilers, processors, libraries and other help tools for creating websites? Blind Hackhaton will try to put word 'skill' inside code writing. Only you and text editor. We bring you a hefty interview with the organizers so check out what's cooking in the beautiful city of Osijek.
6th International Festival of Design - Dan D was held from third to fifth of July in Zagreb, Croatia. Neuralab with its own design philosophy ('Design is a serious thing, but a designer doesn't need to be.') set up a project called MIME DESIGN. See the faces of the Dan D festival and have fun!
The first Croatian web television aimed at urban creatives, Transmeet.Tv, is undergoing its fourth transformation. After 6 years of existence and constant upgrading of the website, people, and content, it’s …

NRLB Easter Egg Hunt recap – how many times the eggs were collected and who the lucky winners are :)
All the Geekasso eggs have been collected and placed in the basket, the daily prizes have been packaged and handed over to the friendly postal workers, the Basket Bundle has …
Mischievous NeuraBunny has hidden the eggs within our website this year instead of around the office! Find all 6 eggs, which have been exclusively illustrated for this occasion by the …
For the third consecutive year, we had the honor, privilege, pleasure, and more to be guest speakers at the International Graduate Business School Zagreb as part of the MBA program organized in collaboration with the Kelly School of Business, Indiana University.
Wondering how to improve your business and gain an advantage over the competition?
Read what we read, like what we liked... last week :)
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