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WooExpert Platinum WooCommerce partner - biggest elephant in the eCommerce room.
Mailchimp Partner Mailchimp partner - you know what’s the newest cutting edge customer experience solution? Great email subject!
Clutch logo Clutch - clients say we’re top dogs in eCommerce. Throw us that stick now.
WordPress Vip WordPress VIP - Enterprise hosting partner

Industry secrets. Sans the fluff

Essays Development

The role of web builders, low-code, no-code and Gen AI tools in web development

Kind folks from Netokracija did an interview with me on the topic of current Gen AI craze, web builders and similar no-code tools. Here's the uncut version in English - more in a Q&A form

You are reading: Development

Neuralab is on a journey to build a stronger development department, and we would love for you to join us in this endeavor. Since the very beginning, we have been engaged in programming, and it is precisely that aspect (alongside design and content creation) that forms one of the cornerstones of our digital workshop.

The whole process is a race to synchronize everything and to make it work perfectly with each other. Like synchronizing serial bus ports with Baud rates or like counting overheating on your voltage regulation transistor. The trickiest part has to do with linux and networking. You may end up spending hours troubleshooting file permissions and asking yourself what is wrong with your port forwarding. Remember to take that in consideration when planing the project.

Sigurno ste se našli u situaciji da trebate kvalitetno odraditi funkcionalnost na novoj aplikaciji no niste našli odgovarajući alat. Razbijali ste glavu, mozgali, “bacili se u kod” i zasukali rukave, samo da bi nakon par sati dobili isprepletene “if” petlje i algoritam koji, recimo to tako, nije baš poezija.

Neuralab traži novog člana tima koji “gušta” u programiranju i kodiranju te kojemu niti jedna tehnologija nije strana. Ne tražimo PHP Ninje, C# uber-gurue ili SQL Lv.19 Big-Data-Wizarde. Tražimo samo osobu koja diše “kod”, koja voli stvarati te koja je entuzijastična učiti od tima i učiti tim.